

Dentures are removable dental appliances that replace missing teeth and restore oral function and aesthetics. They come in two main types: complete dentures, which replace all the teeth in the upper or lower jaw, and partial dentures, which replace only a few missing teeth and are attached to natural teeth or dental implants.  

Dentures are typically made from acrylic resin, sometimes combined with metal, to mimic the appearance and function of natural teeth. They rest on the gums or, in the case of partial dentures, are anchored to existing teeth. The fit of dentures is customized through a series of impressions and fittings, ensuring that they align with the oral structure and provide a comfortable fit. Proper care, including regular cleaning and occasional adjustments, is essential to maintain functionality and prevent oral health issues. 

Who Is a Candidate for Dentures in Yucaipa, CA? 

  • People missing several teeth or an entire arch due to decay, injury, or disease
  • Individuals with severe tooth damage or decay that cannot be effectively treated with other dental procedures 
  • Patients who have experienced significant bone loss in the jaw and find other tooth replacement options, like implants, less viable 
  • Those seeking a more affordable alternative to dental implants or extensive restorative work
  • Individuals requiring a temporary replacement while awaiting other dental treatments or undergoing a healing process 
  • People struggling with chewing, speaking, or other oral functions due to missing teeth 

The Different Types of Dentures in Yucaipa, CA

Full Dentures

Full or Complete dentures are designed by our dentist in Yucaipa, CA, to replace all natural teeth in the upper or lower jaw. They consist of a complete set of artificial teeth attached to a gum-colored acrylic base that fits over the gums.

Full dentures are typically used when all teeth in a dental arch are missing or need removal. They are custom-made to fit the mouth's contours, and the base is designed to cover the entire arch, providing stability and functionality. Complete dentures can be either conventional, placed after the gums have healed from tooth extraction, or immediate, placed right after teeth are removed, which require adjustments as the gums heal and shrink. 

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are used when only some of the natural teeth are missing. They consist of one or more artificial teeth attached to a metal or acrylic framework that clasps onto existing natural teeth.

Partial dentures help to fill gaps left by missing teeth, restore chewing ability, and prevent remaining teeth from shifting. They can be designed to be removable or, in some cases, fixed, depending on the specific needs and preferences of the patient. Partial dentures are less invasive and can often be adjusted as the patient's oral health changes. 

Implant-Supported Dentures

Implant-supported dentures are anchored by dental implants, which are small titanium posts surgically placed into the jawbone. These implants provide additional stability and support for the dentures, reducing the reliance on adhesives and improving overall function.

Implant-supported dentures can be either removable or fixed in place, depending on the patient's needs and the number of implants used. This type of denture offers a more secure fit and helps maintain jawbone density, making it a popular choice for those with significant bone loss or who want a more permanent solution. Contact us today to learn more.


Overdentures are similar to traditional dentures but are designed to fit over a few remaining natural teeth or dental implants. These remaining teeth or implants provide additional support and stability, enhancing the dentures' function and comfort.

Overdentures are often recommended when some healthy teeth can be preserved or when dental implants are used to secure the denture. They help reduce the amount of acrylic needed and can provide a more natural feel and improved chewing efficiency. 

How Can Dentures in Yucaipa, CA Improve Your Smile and Oral Health? 

Restoring Aesthetic Appearance 

Dentures in Yucaipa, CA, are designed to replicate the natural appearance of teeth, filling gaps and providing a complete, natural-looking smile. By replacing missing teeth, they improve facial aesthetics, boost self-confidence, and help restore a youthful appearance.  

Improving Chewing and Speaking Abilities

Missing teeth can make it difficult to chew food properly and speak clearly. Dentures restore the ability to chew various foods and improve pronunciation and clarity of speech. This enhances overall quality of life and allows individuals to enjoy a wider range of foods and communicate more effectively. 

Preventing Remaining Teeth From Shifting 

When teeth are missing, the adjacent teeth can shift into the gaps, leading to misalignment and bite issues. Dentures help maintain the proper alignment of remaining teeth by filling the gaps and preventing shifting, which can lead to further dental problems. 

Supporting Facial Structure 

Missing teeth can cause the cheeks and lips to sag, leading to a sunken appearance. Dentures support the facial muscles, helping maintain the natural contour of the face and prevent the hollow, aged look that often accompanies tooth loss. 

Enhancing Oral Health 

Dentures can help prevent oral health issues associated with missing teeth, such as gum disease and bone loss. By restoring a complete set of teeth, dentures distribute the forces of chewing more evenly across the gums and remaining teeth, reducing stress on the jawbone and soft tissues.  

Boosting Confidence and Social Interaction 

A complete, natural-looking smile can significantly enhance self-esteem and confidence. With dentures, individuals can feel more comfortable in social settings, smile freely, and participate in activities without feeling self-conscious about their appearance. 

Dentures offer a practical solution for improving the function and appearance of the mouth, leading to better oral health and a more confident, vibrant smile. Visit Calimesa Dental at 34636 County Line Rd #19, Yucaipa, CA 92399, or call (909) 795-2585 to schedule a consultation and learn more about your denture options.


34636 County Line Rd #19,
Yucaipa, CA 92399, USA

Office Hours

MON - WED8:00 am - 5:00 pm

THU8:00 am - 4:00 pm

FRI - SUNClosed